Align Your Software Systems, University-Wide, with Via
Improve Effectiveness and Efficiency Across Your Institutions

As a CFO, risk manager, or other finance professional responsible for aligning university-wide software systems, Via knows effectiveness, efficiency, and affordability are top of mind for you. With Via, you can accomplish all three.
Via understands public higher education systems. We know who you are and what you do. We understand your pain points and can help reduce or eliminate them. And with all of your institutions using Via, we can save you money. Like, a lot of money.
By partnering with Via, your university system can:
- Share data, outcomes, knowledge, and best practices
- Increase cost savings across the system
- Better system-wide benchmark data
- Increase collaboration across campuses, offices and employees
The more universities we work with within your system, the bigger the learning, the synergy, the network and the benefit.

Here’s how the University Systems Program works
Via devises a plan that works best for your university system. We start our discovery process with the “pioneer,” the first university in your system, to understand their needs, desires and challenges. We provide a proposal, establish a clear case of ROI, and develop an onboarding plan. From there, we offer a system-wide demo/webinar with a comprehensive Q&A, system-wide pricing, campus-specific proposals, and onboarding and training conversations. If the entire system isn’t ready to discuss, no worries. We can start with those who are ready to participate.
Get discounts, data and more with Via
- Discounts: Via provides a discount for each university within your system that signs a contract with Via, within a calendar year of the first university signing on. That discount will equal 5% off of the total first-year cost.
- System-wide benchmark data: Via rolls up all system campus data at the end of each year and presents that data to your system-wide campuses.
- System-wide user resources: As Via further develops its user community, we provide a way for systems to communicate with each other, share best practices and learn from each other. We’re happy to participate in system-wide events, conferences, webinars, etc.
Via Delivers the Support and Training to Ensure Success
We offer the training and support your teams need to make the most of Via. When there are questions or concerns, we’re just a phone call or email away. Our responsiveness, coupled with our exceptional software solutions, is the reason more and more university systems are partnering with Via to power global experiences.