Connect with Via at the Forum Conference
Power Your Forum Experience with Free Coffee from Via The Forum on Education Abroad 18th Annual Conference is just around the corner! The Via team is excited about the conference and this year’s theme – Globally Interconnected: New Opportunities and the Challenge of...
Via Joins in International Study Abroad Day Celebration
Chef-turned-Via-software-engineer teaches Via team to make paella Via began celebrating International Study Abroad Day weeks ago by helping the founders of this important grassroots movement revamp their website. The website overhaul included adding in the ability for...
Global Learning Fest Connects the World
Study Abroad Association Event Runs February 28th through March 4th Via believes global experiences change the world. The Study Abroad Association is dedicated to increasing study abroad participation for students and faculty across the world. In April 2020, we knew...
Via Celebrates Study Abroad Day by Transforming Organization’s Website
“I’m absolutely thrilled with the outcome,” says Via’s CEO When Via CEO Ann Oleson learned about Study Abroad Day, she knew Via needed to do all it could to support the celebration—and the organization. “It ties directly to our mission: that global experiences change...