Clients & Prospects Help Make Via Better
Via counts on international education community for product ideation When it comes to making Via’s software solutions better, Via knows exactly who to turn to: our international education community. “When we say we were built by international educators for...
Texas A&M Kicks Off Campaign to Boost Student Engagement
“It’s a Match” Campaign Inspires Students to Create a Via Profile The Texas A&M University Education Abroad Office is always looking for creative ways to get more students interested in going abroad. That includes sharing ideas during brainstorming sessions, no...
Vote for Via to Present at SXSW EDU 2023
How do you empower students—regardless of their identity group—to participate in international education? Via, in partnership with Texas A&M University’s Education Abroad Office, submitted a session proposal on that very question. Via is among the more than 1,200...
FundMyTravel Breaks Down Financial Barriers to Global Experiences
GoAbroad creates travel opportunities with crowdfunding platform As a company that believes with our whole heart that global experiences can change the world, Via loves supporting other companies that share a similar belief. GoAbroad is one of those companies....