UX Design Job Perfect Fit for Via’s Balderson
“I absolutely fell in love with this industry,” says UX/UI Designer Chelsea Balderson One reason the University of Chicago Study Abroad Office chose to partner with Via TRM was how aesthetically pleasing, easy to use and intuitive UChicago found Via’s software...
COVID-19 Can’t Stop Mercer University Study Abroad
Pandemic gives IE community opportunity to demonstrate to students adaptability and flexibility, says Mercer’s Rebekah Anaya Rebekah Anaya came to Mercer University in August 2019 as the study abroad and Peace Corps Prep coordinator. For the first six months, she...
Here’s to 2022: A Year of Rebuilding, a Time of Hope
So Long 2021. 2022, We’re Looking at You! It’s that time of year when we reflect on where we’ve been and celebrate where we’re going. First, let’s take a peek back at 2021 (we’ll make it quick): Many in the International Education community continued to be hit hard by...